The Association offers three categories of membership: Category “A” Member, Category “B” Member and Associate Member.
Active A Member: Business involved directly in retail and/or partnering with a network of retailers, offering fertilizers, and/or crop protection products and/or seeds to farms.
Voting A Member: a person employed by a business.
Active B Member: Business with its main activities being selling supplies or raw materials needed for the activities of category A members.
Voting B Member: a person employed by a business.
Associated Member: Any business not fitting in either the A or B member category, sharing the Association’s mission and vision as well as common interests with its members, can present a request to the Board of Directors to join the Association as an associate member.
Voting Associate Member: has all the rights and powers granted to its class by the bylaws, including the right to attend, speak and vote at members’ meetings, but only for the purpose of electing directors, to be eligible for election as a director, and to participate in various activities and events.
Representing and promoting your sector
Accessing tools and services offered exclusively to our members
Participating in unique networking events
Staying on the cutting edge of your sector
See the members list
To request an application form to Réseau végétal Québec, fill and return the form below. Someone will contact you for additional details. Then, the Board of Directors will consider your application and make a decision; it can exercise its discretion to accept or deny the membership request, without having to explain its decision.
Decision will then be forwarded, including an invoice for the membership fees if need be.
Membership application form
Organized with a sectorial approach, this conference event gathers each year nearly 600 people each year from the whole crop production industry.
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